Fury after families fined for parking at their homes

Photo Emma Mitchell 29.8.17
lines on Newdyke roadPhoto Emma Mitchell 29.8.17
lines on Newdyke road
Photo Emma Mitchell 29.8.17 lines on Newdyke road
Families have slammed East Dunbartonshire Council after new restrictions forced them to park their cars almost a mile away from their homes.

One woman living in Newdyke Road, Kirkintilloch is also furious at being hit with almost £200 worth of parking tickets by wardens.

Jade O’Dowd told the Herald that in the four and a 
half years she has stayed in Newdyke Road, parking on the street outside her home has been free.

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But council workmen then appeared one day out of the blue, she said, and painted 
yellow lines at the kerb.

Now families, many who live in properties owned by Hillhead Housing Association (HHA), have been told they cannot park their cars daily outside their own homes from 8.30am-9.30am and from 2.30-3.30pm.

Jade said: “It’s absolutely shocking. I work shifts and sometimes it is very difficult to get out of the house to move the car at 8.30am.

“One day I shouted out the door to the warden that I was just coming but he ticketed me just the same. There is also nowhere else to park. The nearest street without yellow lines is Alloway Drive, which is a good 10-15 minutes walk away.

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“None of us here have driveways. It’s very unfair. Why have they done this to us? I have lived here for four and a half years and I have always parked my car outside my house”.

Concern has been expressed that people who work shifts will have to walk home from their vehicles late at night on their own.

Jade said: “The least the council could do is give us permits.”

A spokesperson for HHA said parking in the area 
was the responsibilityof the council.

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She added that the association had carried out a feasibility studying regarding parking in the area after a request from East Dunbartonshire Council when plans were being put in place for the nearby new 
Holy Trinity Primary School at Newdyke Road.

She said: “The feasibility study showed up that there were existing services in place including a gas main which couldn’t be moved. This rendered parking unfeasible and we reported back our findings to the council at the time.”

Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive - Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets, said: “Parking restrictions were introduced in Newdyke Road for safety reasons following the opening of Holy Trinity Primary School earlier this year and a lengthy Traffic Regulation Order process.

“A public consultation event was held on parking 
restrictions in June 2016, with letters issued to residents, as well as information in the local press and social media.

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“Signage and lining are 
in place, with no waiting or loading Monday-Friday, 8.30am-9.30am and 2.30pm-3.30pm. There is an ongoing issue as regards parking in that area and we continue to work with Hillhead Housing Association 2000 towards a sustainable solution which ensures safety for all.

“Please note, provision of new car parking would be the responsibility of HHA as the local landlord, however, we continue to provide support and advice.”